Discipline is a necessary reflection of the philosophy of a Catholic CYO sports program, a philosophy which attempts to develop a fully committed Christian. Just disciplinary policies are essential to protect the common good as well as foster a respect for self, for others, for authority and for property.
The ideal of discipline within a Catholic program is to enable players to move from externally imposed discipline to self-discipline to discipleship, following the Lord and serving others.
The four crucial discipline components that are emphasized at HF CYO are:
- Positive player-coach relationships
- Clear parameters of acceptable behavior
- Monitoring skills
- Accepting the consequences for your actions
The following is the code of conduct that all players at HF CYO must follow:
1. Players should be aware that their first obligation is to give service to God and to others.
2. Players should cooperate with all CYO volunteers by following directives willingly and by offering service.
3. Players should give proper respect and courtesy to all CYO adults: Coaches, Parents, Officials, CYO Board, Volunteers and Visitors.
4. Players should use practice and game time as effectively as possible, doing their best and by helping to provide an atmosphere in which physical, emotional, and spiritual progression takes place.
5. Players should obey all the rules and regulations of their individual teams and of the entire CYO program.
6. Players are required to take care of the things given to them for their use. (Uniforms and any equipment)
7. Players are expected to show a Christian attitude toward one another. Therefore, fighting, abusive and foul language, roughness, excessive taunting and teasing of another player, sexual harassment, or any similar action are forbidden.
8. In groups or alone, players are asked to respect the opponents they play as brothers and sisters in Christ.
The following list provided is not inclusive. Many of the Level I violations will be handled by the coaches on the playing fields. It is only when these infractions become persistent that they should be referred to the parents.
FIRST VIOLATION: Warning/ Notify Parents
Optional: CYO Board Notification
Inappropriate disrespectful behavior; not complying with directions; continued physical horse-play; talking when a coach or teammate is speaking; foul-language
***At anytime if the coach feels that the player’s offenses have exceeded the warning violation, they may at anytime administer a Level II suspension.
FIRST VIOLATION: Suspension; One week from the day it is administered; Player must attend all practices and games during their suspension
REPEATED VIOLATIONS: Repeated Level 1 Violations; Parent Contact; CYO Board Contact
Disrespect directed toward CYO participant’s (coaches, players, opponents, parents, officials) (written, verbal, or physical) that exceeds Level 1; unacceptable behavior at CYO activities; vandalism; gambling; continued foul language; smoking or displaying of smoking; violence –hitting someone for any reason (even if hit first); stealing; extended physical contact
***Formal suspension is serious disciplinary action taken by the CYO against a player whose actions constitute a major disciplinary infraction, and are contrary to the good order of the entire CYO community. Suspension is a major step toward possible dismissal/expulsion.
Parents will be notified when a suspension occurs through a telephone call.
First Violation: Expulsion
Repeated Violations: More than 1 Suspension; Parent Contact; CYO Board Contact
Possession, use, selling or distribution of controlled substances; causing a risk to the health and safety of others (risking a catastrophe); failing to cooperate during Level II suspension; physical assault; obscene speech; sexual harassment (verbal or physical); immorality; extortion; arson; Theft; use or possession of alcohol; possession of weapons or objects used as weapons
- Expulsion
- Restitution
- Police Notification
- CYO Board Hearing
The essence of Christian discipline is the encouragement given to our players to respect God, themselves, others and their environment, as they grow in self-discipline and responsibility.
The observance of CYO rules is a necessity in order to create an appropriate atmosphere for a healthy sports experience. CYO coaches, board and parents must work together as we strive to assist players in their religious, social, physical and academic development.
CYO Behavior Policy for Spectators
Any spectator in violation of the CYO Code of Conduct for Spectators shall:
1. First Infraction - suspension from attendance of the team's next Holy Family CYO home game at our facility, and any Holy Family CYO home game for any other team for a period of one weekend in which there are home games.
2. Second Infraction - suspension from attendance of any Holy Family CYO home games for a period of one (1) year. The spectator may request a hearing before the CYO board, and the CYO board may, at their judgement, make a modification to this suspension.